Ultimate Detox Tea
Contains: Burdock Root- Helps your kidneys purifiers body of harmful contaminants. Detoxify the blood and body by removing harmful bacteria from the systems. Removes heavy metals from the blood stream. Improves circulation. Strengthen lymphatic system. Acts as natural diuretic. Improves skin condition, cancer and reduces inflammation. Reduced effects of enlarged spleen, keeping your spleen healthy, boosting kidney and liver function.
Dandelion Root- stimulates kidneys to act as a diuretic, liver, stomach and gallbladder, lowers cholesterol levels, fights bacteria, rich in antioxidants, supports skin health. Rich in vitamin A and vitamin K. Caution: if taking Coumadin could interfere with INR
Nettle Leaf- Kidney detoxifier, restores kidney and adrenal function, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine. High in vitamin B, C, D, iron, protein, magnesium
Artichoke Leaf- Kidney and liver cleanser, helps regulate blood pressure, improves digestive health, helps lower blood sugar, improves liver health. Anti-inflammatory, rich in antioxidants, excellent for immune system. Lowers cholesterol. Excellent for bone and joint health. Reduces risk of developing cancer. Nourishes digestive tract
Tulsi: aka Holy Basil has been found to protect organs and tissues against chemical stress from industrial pollutants and heavy metals, and physical stress from prolonged physical exertion, ischemia and physical restraint. Tulsi has been shown to counter metabolic stress through normalization of blood glucose, blood pressure, lipid levels and psychological stress.
Milk Thistle: well known liver cleanser. Milk thistle is used for liver disorders and gall bladder problems
Cleavers: added for lymphatic support. Your lymphatic system is a part of your immune system it helps to protect the body from foreign invaders. Cleaver’s primary function is to transport lymph, a fluid containing infection- fighting white blood cells through out the body, it gets eliminated through your bowel and urine. Cleavers enhances the function of the lymphatic systems and improves it’s ability to flush out toxins, decreases congestion and reduces swelling.
14 tea bags are included
Directions: Drink tea 1-2 times per day. Steep for 5 minutes and enjoy!
Packaged by: Soulbes Detox, Philadelphia, PA 19144